University of Venda Check Status

University of Venda Check Status


Acceptance of a Student

  • Acceptance by the university as a registered student does not automatically qualify a student for enrollment in the school or in a particular department.
  • All students who qualify for registration on the basis of maturity or acknowledged prior learning may be required to write a school entrance test on a date specified by the school.
  • BA(Ed) students will be admitted to the School of Human and Social Sciences only if admission is sought before the commencement of the third academic year of study.
  • Students wishing to follow service courses in the School will be admitted only in accordance with pre-determined numbers for every department.

Admission Requirements for BA
A student must have achieved an E symbol in English Higher grade or D in English Standard Grade to be registered for enrolment in the School of Human and Social Sciences.

Further requirements may be stipulated by the departments.

Admission for BAEd

  • A student must have a matric exemption.
  • Students without matriculation exemption should have age exemption with adequate rating. Each year, ratings are determined by the university.
  • Candidates will be subjected to a selection process.
Duration of Study
  • BA studies, except for Social Work (which has a minimum of four years), involves a minimum of three years of full time study.
  • The maximum duration of the studies is not to exceed three years more than the minimum required to complete the degree, at which time the studies may be terminated unless otherwise decided by Senate after application by the student.
Duration of BAEd Programme
  • The duration of the programme for the degree is a minimum of four years.
  • In the first, second, and third years of undergraduate study, students in the full-time employment can be registered only part-time and can take no more than six modules per year.
  • In the fourth year, students in full-time employment can be registered only part-time and can take no more than twelve modules per year.
Academic Progress
  • A student shall not repeat a module at first or second year level more than once, in case of failure. Cancellation of a course after the commencement of the second semester for year courses and after closing date for cancellation of semester courses or modules shall be deemed a failure, except if Senate decides otherwise on the basis of special circumstances.
  • No second year courses shall be taken unless two year courses (or four semester courses or modules) have been passed at first year level; in order to register for third year courses, a student shall have passed six year courses (Twelve semester courses or modules) at first and second year level.
  • Sub Minimum Rule
    • A sub minimum of 40% will apply in each individual paper and in each assessment category, except where otherwise indicated in departmental rules.
    • Old curriculum: A student may qualify for a supplementary examination if he has failed the sub-minimum requirement in one paper only, and has a final mark (year and examination) of 50% or higher. In such a case the candidate must rewrite all papers in the supplementary.
    • Modular curriculum: If a below sub-minimum mark is obtained in any of the assessment categories (excluding the examination), the module coordinator may decide to prescribe supplementary. assessment in that category. In the case of below sub-minimum performance in the examination, but a 50% or higher average, the particular examination may be re-written without registration for the module at the next scheduled opportunity. No additional additional supplementary. will be provided for.
  • An undergraduate or diploma or certificate student whose progress is unsatisfactory, will be required to withdraw from the School , if after two years of study within this School s/he has not completed sufficient first year courses or modules to gain entry to the second academic year of study.
  • Senate, on the recommendation of the School, may similarly cancel or refuse to renew the registration of any student whose academic record is regarded by the School as so unsatisfactory that the qualification will not be completed within the required period.
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