Rhodes University Admission Requirements

Rhodes University Admission Requirements

Rhodes University Admission Requirements 2018


  • The percentages achieved in National Senior Certificate examinations (preliminary and final examinations) will be allocated an admissions score using the percentage obtained for each subject.
  • The sum of six subject scores, excluding Life Orientation but including English and any other required subject(s) for the relevant programme is considered when deciding on admission.
  • Results below 40% for any subject do not attract a score.
  • Mathematics Paper 3 does not contribute to the APS score but the results will be captured for the Dean to note when making an admission decision.
  • Take the percentage you achieved for the subject and divide by 10. This will give you your APS score for that subject. Add all six subject scores together to get the final APS score to compare to the faculties requirements.

Example of point’s calculation:

English Home Language 73% 7.3 points
Afrikaans/isiXhosa first/Additional  Language 69% 6.9 points
Mathematics 84% 8.4 points
Life Sciences 86% 8.6 points
Music 90% 9.0 points
Accounting 69% 6.9 points
Life Orientation 70% 0 points
Mathematics Paper 3 50% 0 points
TOTAL POINTS 47.1 points

National Benchmark Tests (NBT’s)

It is recommended that all first-time entering South African applicants write the NBT’s. If the applicant does not meet the automatic entry requirements the NBT results will be used by the Dean to make decisions on applications. These test results can also be used if a candidate does not meet the entrance requirements in their final examinations. There are two NBT’s. The Academic and Quantitative literacy test (AQL) consists of two components, namely academic literacy and quantitative literacy. An applicant will be awarded separate scores for each component, even though they are written as one test. Applicants to all faculties should write the AQL. The Mathematics test is based on the Mathematics Grade 12 Syllabus. Applicants who wish to enter Pharmacy, Science or Commerce should write the Mathematics Test. One score is awarded for the Mathematics Test.

For further information about the NBT’s, check out our articles on NBTs here.

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