Walter Sisulu University Admission Requirements

Walter Sisulu University Admission Requirements

Requirements / APS

The following rating system for National Senior Certificate results applies to all faculties and these are translated into points for each NSC subject. In some faculties, results of interviews/assessments are also taken into account in determining the total APS or Admission Point Score.

NSC (National Senior Certificate)
% 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-59 40-49 30-39 0-29
Level 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Points 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Generic Procedure for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Applications

Students can apply for admission through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process.

At WSU, RPL can be used:

  • By those seeking admission into the institution
  • To obtain access into learning programmes
  • To obtain credits towards a qualification
  • To obtain advanced standing for a course.

Given the fact that each academic discipline has its unique approaches, that each person applying for RPL comes with a unique history and that there is a wide range of valid RPL methods and processes, what follows is a general outline, which must be adapted depending on the purpose and nature of the assessment.

The first five points below precede the screening that is the first step of the formal RPL process.

1. RPL registration is a separate process from regular registration for a subject.
When prospective learners request application forms they are also sent information regarding the RPL possibilities available in the department/programme to which they wish to apply, as well as RPL fees, deadlines and the date of the Faculty RPL information session.

RPL applications are sent direct to the relevant academic department/programme coordinator (PCO).

Within three weeks of the RPL application deadline each Faculty will offer an information session for RPL applicants, explaining what RPL is and applicable methods for RPL.

Within three days of this information session, RPL fees are payable by those who wish to continue with the process. Any potential RPL candidates who are unable to attend the information session are also required to pay their RPL fees by this date.

In the last week of November (for year programmes) the relevant PCO or other designated evidence facilitator (hereafter both referred to as RPL advisors) interviews all RPL candidates according to the steps outlined in the WSU RPL policy. (“Preassessment stage” and 1.1 (“Screening”) and 1.2 (“Preparation”).

For challenge (Challenge Examinations are developed by faculty members to match the content of specific courses e.g. interview, demonstration, etc) exams the procedure is as follows:

  • Proof of payment will admit the learner to the test venue.
  • The test is marked within seven days and applicants informed of the result.
  • If the learner is assessed as “Not yet competent,” he/she:
    • immediately registers for the subject
    • pays the full fee for the subject (i.e., the RPL fee is not deducted against the standard registration fee)
  • If the learner is assessed as “competent”
    • the script is attached to an “Application for Credit” form
  • The subject is then recorded against the learner’s name as a P (Pass) on the ITS administration system.
  • For those wishing to submit portfolios:
  • A Portfolio Development course will be offered as a joint exercise by the AD unit and the affected Schools in the first two weeks of December and first week after the academics return in January.
  • Portfolios are to be submitted by the end of January.
  • PCOs will be the primary portfolio assessors. Appropriate adjustments will be made to their registration duties to allow for this.
  • Other assessment methods will proceed as agreed upon between the candidate and the School (see RPL Assessment, for a brief description of possible RPL assessment methods).
  • In the case of portfolios one week will be allowed for assessment and another three working days for moderation. In all other cases RPL results will be communicated within one week of the assessment.
  • Applicants deemed “competent” by any appropriate assessment method will have written proof or certification of their competence along with a recommendation from the PCO attached to an “Application for Credit” form and their results recorded as a P (Pass) on the ITS system.
  • Where student registration is delayed owing to an RPL process, no late registration fee will be charged.
  • If classes begin before a candidate’s RPL status is known, the candidate may attend classes assuming the granting of RPL until status is confirmed.
    For more information regarding the RPL admission, contact:
    RPL Manager: Mr ZG Baleni
    Mthatha Campus – Nelson Mandela Drive Site
    Centre for Learning, Training and Development (CLTD) Building
    Telephone 047 502 2804

National Benchmark Tests (NBT’s)

These are assessments for first year applicants into Higher Education that were designed to measure a writer’s ability to transfer understanding of Academic Literacy, Quantitative Literacy, and Mathematics to the demands of coursework at university.

The tests are administered under standardized testing conditions. For more details on NBTs, click here.

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