Cornerstone Institute South Africa Prospectus 2024

Cornerstone Institute Prospectus 2024

Cornerstone Institute Prospectus South Africa 2024 is available for Download

A university or school prospectus is a document sent to potential (prospective) students to attract them to apply for admissions. It usually contains information about the institution and the available courses, including advice on how to apply and the benefits of accepting a place.

Click Here To download Cornerstone Institute South Africa Prospectus 2024



January Intake: 1 August – 30 November

July Intake: 1 March – 31 May

For your convenience, applications can be submitted onlinevia fax or email, or in person on campus.
Call a Student Adviser if you need any assistance on 021 448 0050.


1) Download the application forms, fill them in, then fax, or scan and email them. All the details are in the application form. See the Downloadable Application Forms below.

2) Fill in and submit your application form online. It’s very easy and your application will be sent straight to the right people who will contact you soon after. See the buttons for Online Applications below.

3) Call to make an appointment with the a Student Adviser between 8:00 and 16:00 every day. You will be given the application forms, along with any advice you may need.

NB: Applications for BPsych are different – please see below.

Soon after your Application is in, an Admissions Officer will contact you, so make sure that your contact details are correct.


After your application has been accepted, you still have to register to study. Registration opens every year in January and July.

Online Applications
No online applications for BPsych Equivalent.

Higher Certificates and Bachelor Degrees

Advanced Diplomas and Post Graduate

Bachelor of Psychology Honours (BPsych. Equivalent) Application – Campus Only

Cornerstone Institute Application Form – can be emailed, delivered or posted.

BPsych Equivalent Dept Application Form – must be delivered or posted. No emails accepted.

BPsych Equivalent Confidential Referee Forms – must be emailed or posted by Referee directly to head of Dept of Psychology, Geraldine Franciscus [email protected]

Please complete the appropriate registration form according to the programme you have been accepted into, as per your ACCEPTANCE LETTER. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR ACCEPTANCE LETTER WITH YOU WHEN YOU REGISTER, OTHERWISE YOU MIGHT REGISTER FOR THE WRONG PROGRAMME.


To help you plan your studies, be aware that each credit takes 10 hours of work. So if a module is worth 12 credits, it will take you 120 hours to complete, which includes lectures, readings, research, assignments etc. If you are not working and are dedicating your time to your studies, a full load for a year is 120 to 130 credits. If you are working full-time you might struggle to take more than 60 to 70 credits in a year.

Please check our website for the programme you are taking so that you can see all the modules that the programme is comprised of.

    1. The Higher Certificate in Business Studies can be taken over
      • One year. You will only be able to complete it in one year of you are not working and can dedicate about 8 hours a day to your studies for the 15-week first semester and the 15-week second semester. Complete Form A if this is the case. LINK TO FORM A
      • Two years. If you are working and can dedicate 4 hours a day to your studies, complete Form B. LINK TO FORM B
    2. You can take the Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Intermediate Phase over
      • One year. You will only be able to complete it in one year if you are not working and can dedicate about 8 hours a day to your studies for the 15-week first semester and the 15-week second semester. LINK TO FORM A
      • Two years. If you are working and can dedicate 4 hours a day to your studies, complete Form B. LINK TO FORM B
    1. Registration for the Bachelor of Arts programme:
      Please check the following before you start completing a registration form.

      • Are you full-time or part-time? If you are working and cannot dedicate 8 hours a day to your studies then you must take your studies on a part-time basis.
      • What is your major, sociology/community development or psychology or theology or media studies?
      • Are you on the Academic Development Programme due to a National Senior Certificate with a diploma pass?
      1. If you are full-time and your major is sociology, choose Form A. Follow the instructions on the form. You should have a total 128 credits. LINK TO FORM A
      2. If you are full-time and your major is psychology, choose Form B. Follow the instructions on the form. You should have a total 128 credits. LINK TO FORM B
      3. If you are full-time and your major is theology, choose Form C. Follow the instructions on the form. You should have a total 128 credits. LINK TO FORM C
      4. If you are full-time and your major is media studies, choose Form D. Follow the instructions on the form. You should have a total 128 credits. LINK TO FORM D
      5. If you are on the Academic Development Programme choose Form E. Check your major and only choose the appropriate modules. You should then have 76 credits. LINK TO FORM E
  1. Registration for the Bachelor of Theology in Community Leadership programme.
    Please check the following before you start completing a registration form.

    • Are you full-time or part-time? If you are working and cannot dedicate 8 hours a day to your studies then you must take your studies on a part-time basis.
    • What is your major, sociology/community development or psychology or theology or media studies?
    • Are you on the Academic Development Programme due to a National Senior Certificate with a diploma pass?
    1. If you are full-time and your major is psychology, choose Form A. Follow the instructions on the form. You should have a total 128 credits. LINK TO FORM A
    2. If you are full-time and your major is sociology/community development choose Form B. Follow the instructions on the form. You should have a total 128 credits. LINK TO FORM B
    3. If you are full-time and your major is Christian Ministry, choose Form C. Follow the instructions on the form. You should have a total 128 credits. LINK TO FORM C
    4. If you are on the Academic Development Programme choose Form D. Check your major and only choose the appropriate modules. You should then have 76 credits. LINK TO FORM D
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